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#define PROBLEM "" #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <assert.h> #include <iostream> #include <random> #include "../cpp/binary-trie.hpp" using namespace std; int main(void) { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned long long> dist(0, UINT64_MAX); std::vector<unsigned long long> pool; for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { pool.push_back(dist(gen)); } pool.push_back(UINT64_MAX); auto randgen_from_pool = [&]() { return pool[dist(gen) % pool.size()]; }; std::vector<unsigned long long> A; BinaryTrie<64> BT; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { unsigned long long x = randgen_from_pool(); A.push_back(x); BT.insert(x); } for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { int q = dist(gen) % 8; unsigned long long x = randgen_from_pool(); switch (q) { case 0: A.push_back(x); BT.insert(x); break; case 1: A.erase(std::remove_if(A.begin(), A.end(), [&](unsigned long long a) { return a == x; }), A.end()); BT.erase(x); break; case 2: if (std::find(A.begin(), A.end(), x) != A.end()) { A.erase(std::find(A.begin(), A.end(), x)); } BT.erase_one_element(x); break; case 3: for (auto& a : A) a ^= x; BT.apply_xor(x); break; case 4: std::sort(A.begin(), A.end()); assert(std::lower_bound(A.begin(), A.end(), x) - A.begin() == BT.lower_bound(x)); assert(std::upper_bound(A.begin(), A.end(), x) - A.begin() == BT.upper_bound(x)); break; case 5: if (x >= A.size()) break; std::sort(A.begin(), A.end()); assert(A[x] == BT.nth_element(x)); break; case 6: assert((int)std::count(A.begin(), A.end(), x) == BT.count(x)); break; case 7: assert((int)A.size() == BT.size()); default: break; } } std::cout << "Hello World\n"; }
#line 1 "test/aoj-itp1-1-a.binary-trie.test.cpp" #define PROBLEM "" #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <assert.h> #include <iostream> #include <random> #line 2 "cpp/binary-trie.hpp" #line 4 "cpp/binary-trie.hpp" #include <memory> #include <utility> /** * @brief 符号なし整数の多重集合を管理する * @tparam `d` 扱う整数値のビット幅。64以下であることを要請 */ template <unsigned int d> class BinaryTrie { static_assert(d <= 64, "d must be 64 or less"); struct BinaryTrieNode { std::shared_ptr<BinaryTrieNode> children[2] = {nullptr, nullptr}; unsigned int level, subcnt = 0; unsigned long long xval = 0; BinaryTrieNode(int lvl) : level(lvl) {} bool get_bit(unsigned long long v) const { return (v >> (level - 1)) & 1; } bool is_leaf() const { return level == 0; } // 子の状態がvalidかどうか // 0: xx, 1: xo, 2: ox, 3: oo int state_children() const { return ((bool)children[1] << 1) | (bool)children[0]; } // xorの値を子ノードに伝播する void affect_xor() { if (get_bit(xval)) { std::swap(children[0], children[1]); } if (children[0]) children[0]->xval ^= xval; if (children[1]) children[1]->xval ^= xval; xval = 0; } }; using NodePtr = std::shared_ptr<BinaryTrieNode>; NodePtr root_ptr = std::make_shared<BinaryTrieNode>(d); public: /** * @brief 集合にnを追加 (O(d)) */ void insert(unsigned long long n) { NodePtr cur_ptr = root_ptr; while (!cur_ptr->is_leaf()) { cur_ptr->affect_xor(); cur_ptr->subcnt += 1; NodePtr &nxt_ptr = cur_ptr->children[cur_ptr->get_bit(n)]; if (!nxt_ptr) { nxt_ptr = std::make_shared<BinaryTrieNode>(cur_ptr->level - 1); } cur_ptr = nxt_ptr; } assert(cur_ptr->is_leaf()); cur_ptr->subcnt += 1; } int size() const { return root_ptr->subcnt; } /** * @brief 集合からnを検索し、見つかった数を求める (O(d)) */ int count(unsigned long long n) const { NodePtr cur_ptr = root_ptr; while (!cur_ptr->is_leaf()) { cur_ptr->affect_xor(); NodePtr &nxt_ptr = cur_ptr->children[cur_ptr->get_bit(n)]; if (!nxt_ptr) { return 0; } cur_ptr = nxt_ptr; } return (cur_ptr ? cur_ptr->subcnt : 0); } /** * @brief 集合からnを削除 (O(d)) * @note 存在しない要素を指定したとき、何も起こらない */ void erase(unsigned long long n) const { unsigned int cnt = count(n); if (cnt == 0) return; NodePtr cur_ptr = root_ptr; while (true) { cur_ptr->affect_xor(); cur_ptr->subcnt -= cnt; NodePtr &nxt_ptr = cur_ptr->children[cur_ptr->get_bit(n)]; if (nxt_ptr->subcnt == cnt) { nxt_ptr = nullptr; return; } cur_ptr = nxt_ptr; } } /** * @brief 集合からnを一つだけ削除 (O(d)) * @note 存在しない要素を指定したとき、何も起こらない */ void erase_one_element(unsigned long long n) const { if (count(n) == 0) return; NodePtr cur_ptr = root_ptr; while (!cur_ptr->is_leaf()) { cur_ptr->affect_xor(); cur_ptr->subcnt -= 1; NodePtr &nxt_ptr = cur_ptr->children[cur_ptr->get_bit(n)]; if (nxt_ptr->subcnt == 1) { nxt_ptr = nullptr; return; } cur_ptr = nxt_ptr; } cur_ptr->subcnt -= 1; } /** * @brief 昇順でn番目の要素を探索 (O(d)) * @note nがtrie木のサイズ以上な場合、assert */ unsigned long long nth_element(int n) const { assert(0 <= n && n < size()); unsigned long long ret = 0; NodePtr cur_ptr = root_ptr; while (!cur_ptr->is_leaf()) { cur_ptr->affect_xor(); ret <<= 1; int state = cur_ptr->state_children(); NodePtr &z_ptr = cur_ptr->children[0]; NodePtr &o_ptr = cur_ptr->children[1]; assert(state > 0); if (state == 1 || (state == 3 && n < z_ptr->subcnt)) { cur_ptr = z_ptr; } else { n -= (state & 1 ? z_ptr->subcnt : 0); ret |= 1; cur_ptr = o_ptr; } } return ret; } /** * @brief n以上の要素を探索 (O(d)) * @return 探索した値が昇順で何番目か (0-indexed)。該当する要素がなければtrie木のサイズが返る */ int lower_bound(unsigned long long n) const { int ret = 0; NodePtr cur_ptr = root_ptr; while (!cur_ptr->is_leaf()) { cur_ptr->affect_xor(); bool b = cur_ptr->get_bit(n); NodePtr &nxt_ptr = cur_ptr->children[b]; NodePtr &z_ptr = cur_ptr->children[0]; if (b && z_ptr) { ret += z_ptr->subcnt; } if (!nxt_ptr) { break; } cur_ptr = nxt_ptr; } return ret; } /** * @brief nより大きな要素を探索 (O(d)) * @return 探索した値が昇順で何番目か (0-indexed)。該当する要素がなければtrie木のサイズが返る */ int upper_bound(unsigned long long n) const { return (n < UINT64_MAX ? lower_bound(n + 1) : size()); } /** * @brief 集合のすべての要素にxorを作用 */ void apply_xor(unsigned long long n) { root_ptr->xval ^= n; } /** * @brief 要素をすべて削除する。確保したメモリ領域も削除される */ void clear() { root_ptr = std::make_shared<BinaryTrieNode>(d); } }; #line 10 "test/aoj-itp1-1-a.binary-trie.test.cpp" using namespace std; int main(void) { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned long long> dist(0, UINT64_MAX); std::vector<unsigned long long> pool; for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { pool.push_back(dist(gen)); } pool.push_back(UINT64_MAX); auto randgen_from_pool = [&]() { return pool[dist(gen) % pool.size()]; }; std::vector<unsigned long long> A; BinaryTrie<64> BT; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { unsigned long long x = randgen_from_pool(); A.push_back(x); BT.insert(x); } for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { int q = dist(gen) % 8; unsigned long long x = randgen_from_pool(); switch (q) { case 0: A.push_back(x); BT.insert(x); break; case 1: A.erase(std::remove_if(A.begin(), A.end(), [&](unsigned long long a) { return a == x; }), A.end()); BT.erase(x); break; case 2: if (std::find(A.begin(), A.end(), x) != A.end()) { A.erase(std::find(A.begin(), A.end(), x)); } BT.erase_one_element(x); break; case 3: for (auto& a : A) a ^= x; BT.apply_xor(x); break; case 4: std::sort(A.begin(), A.end()); assert(std::lower_bound(A.begin(), A.end(), x) - A.begin() == BT.lower_bound(x)); assert(std::upper_bound(A.begin(), A.end(), x) - A.begin() == BT.upper_bound(x)); break; case 5: if (x >= A.size()) break; std::sort(A.begin(), A.end()); assert(A[x] == BT.nth_element(x)); break; case 6: assert((int)std::count(A.begin(), A.end(), x) == BT.count(x)); break; case 7: assert((int)A.size() == BT.size()); default: break; } } std::cout << "Hello World\n"; }