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:heavy_check_mark: test/yosupo-rectangle-sum.test.cpp

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#define PROBLEM ""

#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "../cpp/merge-sort-tree.hpp"

int main() {
    int N, Q;
    std::cin >> N >> Q;
    std::vector<std::array<int, 3>> XYW(N);
    for (auto& [X, Y, W] : XYW) {
        std::cin >> X >> Y >> W;
    std::sort(XYW.begin(), XYW.end());
    std::vector<int> v(N), key(N);
    std::vector<long long> value(N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        v[i] = XYW[i][0];
        key[i] = XYW[i][1];
        value[i] = XYW[i][2];
    MSTreeSum<long long, int> mstree(value, key);
    while (Q--) {
        int L, D, R, U;
        std::cin >> L >> D >> R >> U;
        int l = std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), L) - v.begin();
        int r = std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), R) - v.begin();
        std::cout <<, r, D, U) << std::endl;
#line 1 "test/yosupo-rectangle-sum.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM ""

#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#line 2 "cpp/merge-sort-tree.hpp"

 * @file merge-sort-tree.hpp
 * @brief マージソートツリー
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#line 2 "cpp/more_functional.hpp"

 * @file more_functional.hpp
 * @brief 関数オブジェクトを定義する

#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>

namespace more_functional {
template <typename S>
struct Max {
    const S operator()(const S& a, const S& b) const { return std::max(a, b); }
template <typename S>
struct Min {
    const S operator()(const S& a, const S& b) const { return std::min(a, b); }
template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<S>>* = nullptr>
struct Gcd {
    constexpr S operator()(const S& a, const S& b) const { return std::gcd(a, b); }
template <typename S>
struct Zero {
    S operator()() const { return S(0); }
template <typename S>
struct One {
    S operator()() const { return S(1); }
template <typename S>
struct None {
    S operator()() const { return S{}; }
template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<std::is_scalar_v<S>>* = nullptr>
struct MaxLimit {
    constexpr S operator()() const { return std::numeric_limits<S>::max(); }
template <typename S, std::enable_if_t<std::is_scalar_v<S>>* = nullptr>
struct MinLimit {
    constexpr S operator()() const { return std::numeric_limits<S>::lowest(); }
template <typename S>
struct Div {
    S operator()(const S& a) const { return S(1) / a; }
}  // namespace more_functional
#line 14 "cpp/merge-sort-tree.hpp"

 * @brief 区間の閾値以内の値の積
 * @tparam S value_type 可換群の型
 * @tparam K key_type ソートに使う型
 * @tparam Op Sの積のファンクタ
 * @tparam E Sの単位元を返すファンクタ
 * @tparam Inv Sの逆元を返すファンクタ
 * @tparam Comp Kを比較するファンクタ
template <typename S, typename K, class Op, class E, class Inv, class Comp = std::less<K>>
class MergeSortTree {
    using value_type = S;
    using key_type = K;

    inline constexpr static auto op = Op();
    inline constexpr static auto inv = Inv();
    inline constexpr static auto e = E();
    inline constexpr static auto comp = Comp();

    int n, sz, height;
    std::vector<key_type> key_data;
    std::vector<value_type> cumulative_value;

    void initialize(const std::vector<value_type>& value, const std::vector<key_type>& key) {
        n = key.size();
        sz = 1;
        height = 1;
        while (sz < n) {
            sz <<= 1;
        key_data.assign(sz * height, {});
        std::vector<value_type> value_data(sz * height, e());
        cumulative_value.assign(sz * height, {});
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            key_data[(height - 1) * sz + i] = key[i];
            value_data[(height - 1) * sz + i] = value[i];
            cumulative_value[(height - 1) * sz + i] = value[i];
        int t = 1;
        for (int h = height - 1; h > 0; h--) {
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i += t * 2) {
                int j1 = h * sz + i;
                int j2 = h * sz + std::min(n, i + t);
                int j0 = (h - 1) * sz + i;
                int last1 = j2;
                int last2 = h * sz + std::min(n, i + t * 2);
                while (j1 != last1 || j2 != last2) {
                    if (j1 == last1 || (j2 < last2 && comp(key_data[j2], key_data[j1]))) {
                        key_data[j0] = key_data[j2];
                        value_data[j0] = value_data[j2];
                    } else {
                        key_data[j0] = key_data[j1];
                        value_data[j0] = value_data[j1];
                cumulative_value[(h - 1) * sz + i] = value_data[(h - 1) * sz + i];
                for (int j = i + 1; j < std::min(n, i + t * 2); j++) {
                    cumulative_value[(h - 1) * sz + j] = op(cumulative_value[(h - 1) * sz + j - 1], value_data[(h - 1) * sz + j]);
            t <<= 1;

    value_type prod_section(int l, int r, std::optional<key_type> a, std::optional<key_type> b) const {
        value_type ret = cumulative_value[r - 1];
        if (b.has_value()) {
            int i = std::lower_bound(key_data.begin() + l, key_data.begin() + r, b.value(), comp) - key_data.begin();
            if (i != l) {
                ret = cumulative_value[i - 1];
            } else {
                ret = e();
        if (a.has_value()) {
            int i = std::lower_bound(key_data.begin() + l, key_data.begin() + r, a.value(), comp) - key_data.begin();
            if (i != l) {
                ret = op(ret, inv(cumulative_value[i - 1]));
        return ret;

    MergeSortTree() = default;
     * @param value_key valueとkeyのpairのvector
    explicit MergeSortTree(const std::vector<std::pair<value_type, key_type>>& value_key) {
        std::vector<key_type> key;
        std::vector<value_type> value;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < value_key.size(); i++) {
        this->initialize(value, key);
     * @param value prodで計算する対象
     * @param key ソートする基準
    MergeSortTree(const std::vector<value_type>& value, const std::vector<key_type>& key) {
        assert(key.size() == value.size());
        this->initialize(value, key);

     * @brief product value[i] s.t. a <= key[i] < b , i in [l, r)
     * @param l 半開区間の開始
     * @param r 半開区間の終端 0<=l<=r<=n
     * @param a nulloptの場合は負の無限大
     * @param b nulloptの場合は正の無限大
    value_type prod(int l, int r, std::optional<key_type> a = std::nullopt, std::optional<key_type> b = std::nullopt) const {
        assert(0 <= l && l <= r && r <= n);
        if (a.has_value() && b.has_value() && !comp(a.value(), b.value())) return e();
        value_type ret = e();
        int h = height - 1;
        int t = 1;
        while (l < r) {
            if (l & t) {
                ret = op(ret, prod_section(h * sz + l, h * sz + l + t, a, b));
                l += t;
            if (r & t) {
                r -= t;
                ret = op(ret, prod_section(h * sz + r, h * sz + r + t, a, b));
            t <<= 1;
        return ret;

 * @tparam S 可換群の型
 * @tparam K ソートに使う型
template <typename S, typename K>
using MSTreeSum = MergeSortTree<S, K, std::plus<S>, more_functional::None<S>, std::negate<S>, std::less<K>>;
 * @tparam S 可換群の型
 * @tparam K ソートに使う型
template <typename S, typename K>
using MSTreeProd = MergeSortTree<S, K, std::multiplies<S>, more_functional::One<S>, more_functional::Div<S>, std::less<K>>;
#line 8 "test/yosupo-rectangle-sum.test.cpp"

int main() {
    int N, Q;
    std::cin >> N >> Q;
    std::vector<std::array<int, 3>> XYW(N);
    for (auto& [X, Y, W] : XYW) {
        std::cin >> X >> Y >> W;
    std::sort(XYW.begin(), XYW.end());
    std::vector<int> v(N), key(N);
    std::vector<long long> value(N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        v[i] = XYW[i][0];
        key[i] = XYW[i][1];
        value[i] = XYW[i][2];
    MSTreeSum<long long, int> mstree(value, key);
    while (Q--) {
        int L, D, R, U;
        std::cin >> L >> D >> R >> U;
        int l = std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), L) - v.begin();
        int r = std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), R) - v.begin();
        std::cout <<, r, D, U) << std::endl;
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